

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Más reseñas

silencio toxico zine

Más reseñas

More and more bands are popping all everyday, all over the world. Home
recording technology, programs that come standard in some computers and
the internet make so easy that it eliminates most excuses for not putting
out a CD or at least a quality demo. The problem is that its hard to hear
every band and good ones can go unnoticed for years at a time. That’s the
case for me with CRIATURA. They have quite a few releases, full lengths
and splits under their belts and this is the first I’ve heard of them.
Pinning down a description of CRIATURA is a bit difficult since their
sound is pretty unique, but after listening to them I’d have to believe
that bands in like CIRCA SURVIVE may have taken some influence from their
style. It’s a rare moment when the guitars are playing the same chords at
the same time, and there’s only one song that uses a “typically” punk song
format using power chords. Supported by very skillful, precise and
creative drumming, the guitars and bass delicately tease each other into
soft yet powerful melodic progressions using only a few effects like delay
and reverb with just enough distortion to make things fuzzy but without
losing clarity. Dual female/male vocals deliver poetically written words
that translate like a postcard from a close friend that you haven’t seen
in years that has spent time discovering the beauty and horror of the
world through self discovery and literature. Even in all their beauty, the
songs tackle issues like domestic violence, self-empowerment and
struggling against the establishment. Each line is more exciting than the
last and before you know it you’ve flipped the record four times. I highly
recommend this band. (Jake)
Mala Raza / apdo 6037, 50080 Zargoza Spain
www.malaraza.info / malarazadistro@gmail.com
